3D Anamorphic mural of Blackwell's Police Dog Handler

How this mural was created

The first task was to paint registration marks on the sidewalk. I used a template to paint a grid of 8″ x 8″ squares. These were bright turquise, so that they could easily be seen in the photos of the dog handler and his dog.

Wherever the photos would be taken from then becomes the viewing point for looking at the completed artwork, as only that position will have the exact same perspective.

Perspective Correction

Using photoshop, I then distorted the photo until the registration marks on the sidewalk were square again. I then enlarged that photo until they fit the 8″ x 8″ grid. The green square represents a 64″ x 64″ square, which only appears square when viewed from above. This resulted in a 20 ft long distorted image of the dog handler, which then needed to be transferred onto the concrete.

Printed overlay

When the printed overlay is viewed from the same position relative to where the original photo was taken, it will looks the same as the original photo. I tested this in my living room, & his head fills up my kitchen floor! Viewed from the opposite side the true distortion of the image can be seen. This overlay was then used to help sketch out a line drawing of the photo onto the concrete.

The painting

I started with a line drawing, then using a reference photo, and the overlay, started painting from the top down.